Recovery: it’s not a sprint- it’s a marathon!

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My name is Bill Hrncir and I am a stroke survivor. On December 9th, 2017, I celebrated my 11th stroke anniversary or “strokiversary”.

I was an athlete, a super dad, a loving husband, but overnight I became the poster child for stroke. I was running when I had a knock me down, take my voice away, throw me into a wheelchair stroke. After 11 years, I can finally say that I understand why I was chosen to survive such a trauma. ...

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Reinventing a better version of me

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I was diagnosed with breast cancer, without any lump or clue as to how this disease started or why, on the eve of my 40th birthday. At the time, my children were 6 and 9, my marriage was a bit of a sham and I was working my first full-time job in several years.

When the floor is taken out from under you during a life-threatening diagnosis, things change. Things change because they have to – there is no way you ...

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A kid’s epic tale

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When I close my eyes, I see that I have two ‘me’s. There is the me of almost 6 years ago. That kid who wanted to be everyone’s friend. That kid whose concern about the future was about which area of science was the most fascinating to study. That kid who was a kid, and did kid-like things, such as playing video games and collecting Pokemon cards. Then overnight, that me was replaced by ...
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Hope within the “new normal”

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On July 2, 2002, I was riding a friends bike to the store in Tannersville NY, and fell off onto my neck, shoulders, and back. I went to the ER they did a classic examination. X-rays, CT, etc., and sent me home, saying: only contusions.But they told me to follow up when I got back home. Which I did.

On September 11, 2002, shortly after waking up I had a stroke. My life had changed dramatically. I went to Mt Auburn ...

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Dreams can still come true!

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Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis has enabled me to become the person I always wanted to be. I was diagnosed at the age of 28, in 2008, and while it was a shock, it was also a relief to know what was wrong with me so I could start being practical about how to move forward.

I took a good look at my life and I made that “bucket list” of things that I’d always wanted to do but ...

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Death is for sure – Life is an Option

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Death has inflicted a deep wound on my life which will not heal anymore. Ever since someone called this wound “cancer” and declared it incurable, I have been living with the presence of death in my everyday life.

It glares at me when I look at myself in the mirror. In the mornings, it wakes up at my side and it huddles up against me in bed at night. It laughs with me in my happiest moments and cries with me ...

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Black, Female, Disabled, Empowerment Poem/Monologue and Painting

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Kateri is my name
I am
The world would define me as marginalized, disadvantage, feel sorry for me, say I could not achieve anything
That I am destined to be poor, miserable, and incapable of achieving greatness
Yes, this world has been harsh to me
But what the world has destined me to be has not been my TRUTH
Yes, I am black, female, obese, and disabled
But I have achieved so much
I played ...

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Never, ever give up

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“Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up.”

Up until about the time I hit my 40’s, I both enjoyed great health and took wonderful care of my health through exercise (tennis, swimming, walking, running, biking), eating right and making sure I spent lots of quality time with friends and family to balance out work and other life stressors. My health took a dramatic turn, when, first, I needed emergency gallbladder surgery, and then two years later, was diagnosed with a rare ...

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Then I will just have to do it today…

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I am just about to turn thirty. I have the most wonderful two-year old daughter. We are blessed to live near the ocean and I love to put her on the back of my bike for the joys of the seaside. Yet my vision is becoming bizarre. My eyesight seems to wobble, then I lose vision in one eye and, thankfully, it returns before I lose vision in the other. My eye doctor refers me to a neurologist. An unfeeling, ...

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The Power of Faith

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It was the time of my life young, healthy and fearless starting a career. First it was Milan, then it became LA Requests were pouring in, no casting no more. My dreams were just a step away from becoming real.

Dizziness and headaches all the time, doctor cannot find anything wrong It must be stress or exhaustion. Perfect timing, going home for a gig. Holidays with family and friends is just what I need.

The dizziness was never so ...

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