Author Archive

Susan Trachman Interview

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Artist living with Multiple Sclerosis creates art out of her old medical supplies. Her creations present an opportunity to regain control from the chaos and unpredictability of MS.

Susan Trachman was born in 1961 in the Rancho Park section of Los Angeles. She loved art from an early age and remembers fondly her favorite family outings going to the art museum on Sundays. Susan always loved doing art and thanks to her mother she still has the self portrait she ...

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Joe Barrett Interview- An Honest and Engaging Dialogue on Disability

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Joe Barrett worked in the film industry in Los Angeles in several positions, including Production Design, Camera Operator, and Director. Active and involved in multiple artistic projects, In 2013 he was diagnosed with a debilitating neurologic condition and now is living with MS. In spite of the challenges, Joe worked on his recovery and turned to photography and video.

With a lot of hard work and perseverance he began shooting videos for local musicians and bands. Through his work, he ...

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Doc Jacobs Interview

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War Veteran and amputee personifies ability through his love of baseball and life.

He is a beacon for us all.

Doc Jacobs was once an aspiring professional baseball player. After he was honorably discharged from the US Navy he was granted a tryout with a local professional team.

Although Doc didn’t get signed, he trained and continued to get tryouts and some looks from other professional teams. He is now taking his passion to help others to a new level.

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