The transition from what was our normal to a new normal is a very personal journey. Our Heart Speaks honors your story and recognizes that it is important that you be heard. Hearing your story can be therapeutic as well as inspirational and educational for us all. Understanding how we find meaning and purpose in our lives, despite the toughest challenges, offers us a window into the power of the human spirit.

For some the written word is the best way to communicate their story, for others another artistic medium may be preferred. We welcome your story through whichever artistic medium that is most comfortable for you, whether that is video, visual arts, poetry, prose, or music.

If you would like to provide multimedia content that combines the many elements of storytelling that is always appreciated.

If possible, we request that video and audio submissions come with a transcript to make our stories accessible for everyone.  Some resources for you:

If submitting a piece of art, photography or music we would welcome the opportunity to include a comment or quotation that helps to capture the message best. In general, we would like to keep the editing of narrative submissions to a maximum of approximately 800 words. Questions or comments? Email